The use of Yapay: digital catalog store, has special terms and conditions which can be found at this page. These terms may vary along time but is Asociación Guarango Cine y Video, from now on “the company”, who will be held accountable for updating these terms in order to make information transparent for the “users”, who can be defined as any person who purchase through Yapay. To purchase, the user must enter its personal and card information. By using Yapay, the user accepts these Terms and Conditions and is responsable for the information sent.
It is important to keep the privacy of our “users” protected at all times. For the usage of personal and card information, “the company” manages with Culqi, our solution for online purchases, a privacy policy through a system that guarantees the confidentiality of these data and its treatment is according to the current legislation on data protection. In addition, an SSL certification is used for the whole site and specially the purchase page.
Yapay offers educational licenses exclusively for institutes, with partial or complete reproduction at educational events and related activities, under a Public Performance Rights license for non-commercial and educational exhibition.
All the films are intelectual property of “the company”. It is prohibited to resell or reproduce, total or partially, any documentary exposed at Yapay. As well as its reproduction at another context that is not for educational purposes. Any of these actions will be considered as copyright infringement as well as violation of these terms and conditions.
Yapay accepts credit and debit cards of these trademarks: Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Diner’s Club. Our currency is an american dollar.
The shipping cost worldwide is included at the educational license. Media libraries may have a documentary preview for purchase consideration.
You must specify the reason for these request. If the payment has been made within 24 hours, the refunding is inmediately. If the payment is not within a 24 hours range, the refunding will take more time. It also depends of the “user” bank procedures.
If you have any more doubts, please don’t hesitate and ask.